He is the protector of Viswamitra's Yajnam. He is the destroyer of the demoness Tataki who lived in the sky.

He is the protector of Dharma and is the heroic son of Dasaradha. Vihita dharma pAlaka veera daSaradha rAma Salutations to the hero of the Raghu dynasty who isīowed to by Devatas. NamO namO raghu kula nAyaka divija vandya Of punishing the wicked and protecting the pious. In this song Annamacharya prays to Lord Rama narrating his great deeds You are adored by Indra the king of Devatas. Oh Sree Venkateswara,Oh Narayana the butter thief, Instead of pulling me out of the entanglements, Vividha nirbandhamula veDala drOyaka nannuĭivijEndra vandya sree tiru venkaTAdreeSa You are confusing me with your leelas(sports).Īre others entangled in various karmas comparable to me? When I lost peace of mind due to disgust, Oh Narayana,will my appeals ever reach you? You are reluctant to bestow me with the happiness of renunciation. Oh Narayana,the Vedas and the Vedic philosophy extole your fascinating form.You lifted the Govardhana mountain. Mire of worldly entanglements due to the Maya of the Almighty. In this touching song Annamaiah finds fault with his lord saying that he is pushed into the Oh Venkatesa, Why don't you protect me granting boons ? Irrespective of their high or low status.

Kulajuni inTa nunDi kulaheenuninTa nunDee The wind blows on a cow and also on a dog.ĭo you get blemished if you shower mercy on a distressed one like me? Is it a burden for you to protect a sinner like me? The moonlight shines on flowers and bushes equally. PAvanula naTu gAchi pApa punjamaina nannu Poovula pai gAsee bori munDlapai gAseenee He prays to Venkateswara to treat him impartially and protect.

In this song Annamaiah preaches that the moon light, the Sunlight and the air are available to all equally.