DEW is responsible for paying unemployment insurance benefits, collecting unemployment taxes, helping people find jobs, matching businesses with qualified candidates, and collecting and disseminating state/federal employment statistics. Our purpose at DEW is to put people to work and to help those who, through no fault of their own, have become unemployed. Department Employment and Workforce (DEW) family? Ticket to Work/Employment Network: 1-80 (toll free) TelClaim | Claimant Self-Service Line: 1-86 (toll free) Visit the Service Location Directory for a list of statewide locations. DEW and its partners provide a variety of workforce services for job seekers and employers at SC Works Centers, Connection Points and satellite offices in 12 local workforce investment areas across all 46 SC counties. DEW, one of 16 cabinet agencies, is a partner in the state’s workforce system. To match jobseekers with employers quickly, efficiently, and effectively, and we offer a variety of services to assist both groups. Employer-paid state unemployment taxes pay for state unemployment benefits. Department of Labor allocates funds from the Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) to the states to pay for administrative and operational costs. The majority of DEW’s budget is funded through federal sources.The U.S. To be viewed as an efficient, transparent, customer-friendly partner in providing quality workforce solutions. To promote and support an effective, customer-driven workforce system that facilitates financial stability and economic prosperity for employers, individuals and communities. Our Mission, Vision, Commitment, Funding and Main Goal Our Mission Collecting and disseminating state/federal employment statistics.Matching businesses with qualified candidates.The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) is responsible for: